Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Preparing for Home: Days 186-194

Little cutie
The days since Benton's surgery have felt like a whirlwind.  After Benton's surgery last Monday he was extubated to Hi Flow of 4 liters and within two days he was back down to Hi Flow of 2 liters (i.e. back to where he was pre-surgery)!!  We couldn't believe our luck because Benton had bounced back from the surgery with such ease.  It truly is by the grace of god that our little fighter was able to do so well with his hernia surgery :)
Hanging out in an outfit from his nurse Kelsey!
With Benton getting back to his original Hi Flow settings the doctors were ready to challenge him to feed by mouth again.  After surgery they had given him a few days to just relax and work his way back up to full feeds using his feeding tube, but it was time to try eating by mouth again.  The first couple of days the speech therapist worked with Benton and he was not enjoying the feeds by mouth.  He kept tongue thrusting, crying and generally just not having any of it.  This was disappointing because we had hoped that our little guy would be the hungry little eater he had been pre-surgery.  The doctors and speech therapists told us it was very normal for babies to need a few extra days to get back into taking their bottles after intubation because their throats could hurt.  So we waited...  In the meantime we gave Benton pacifier dips and tried dry breasting again so he could increase his oral interest.  This must have worked because by Friday he was excited to try his bottle again :)

Staring at momma
Since Friday Benton has been eating like a little champ and has been taking many back-to-back bottles.  With his feeds going so well it has really begun to feel like the end is near.  Our nurse Marianne told us that since Benton is still not quite taking all of his feeds we should practice putting in NG tubes (i.e. feedings tubes) into ourselves first so we would be ready to place an NG tube in Benton if need be.  Putting in an NG tube into your own nose is definitely an experience, but if it will help us be able to bring home Benton sooner then we are willing and able!  Yesterday after our practice sessions, I even placed an NG tube in Benton with the nurse's assistance.  If you think holding a screaming baby is difficult - try inserting a feeding tube in their nose while trying to steady their nasal cannula and taping it on their face.  Definitely a different experience, but one that was successful!  In the coming days Joe and I will be practicing inserting Benton's feeding tube a few more times to make sure we have the hang of it before going home.

Tutu and Grandpa visiting Benton all the way from Hawaii!
In other news, yesterday Benton finally got down to Low Flow oxygen of 1 liter!  So far so good.  The doctors are hoping that they can even bring him down to Low Flow oxygen of 1/2 liter so we have a bit of wiggle room at home in case he needs a tweak up of oxygen.  We are hoping that with him on Low Flow and the feeds going well that it could be less than a week before our little one is home!!!!

Learning to stick his hands in his mouth and smile!
Please continue to send your thoughts and prayers for Benton.  We are hoping he can come home soon and that he can rock out the Low Flow oxygen and take all his feeds by mouth.
Solar System-themed 27 Week Birthday Sign!
Octopus bottom :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...we're so excited for you three!! <3 The Greenwoods
