Sunday, May 15, 2016

Life with 2 Kids!

Since Aurelia's birth we have been inundated by house guests, struggled to find a new normal and attempted to balance the never ending pile of laundry that comes with having two kids.  Having a newborn is challenging as every new mom will attest to.  Yet with Aurelia's arrival on the scene I struggled more with balancing two kids than with dealing with my newborn.  This is because Aurelia is one of the easiest babies ever - I couldn't be more blessed and feel like I hit the jackpot when it comes to infants.  She is a terrific eater who breastfeeds like a champ, she loves to be held and is willing to be held by anybody who comes to visit, and she loves to sleep and started sleeping 4-5 hour stretches by one month.  We couldn't be luckier.
Happiness = Aurelia's smile 
My beautiful little lady
The first few weeks we were home we were lucky enough to have my parents stay with us.  This was a blessing as they were able to entertain Benton and have him feel as if he wasn't losing out on his primo spot in the family with the arrival of his new sister.  With the departure of the grandparents we definitely began to see Benton's neediness and jealousy peak.  While Benton is a sweet and protective big brother, willing to rock the baby in her bassinet, give her kisses and share toys, he is still a toddler who wants mommy and daddy's undivided attention.  Needless to say I have become a master at feeding Aurelia and reading books to Benton or doing puzzles.  I now understand why moms wish they had an extra set of hands :)
Aurelia's special time with Mommy and Daddy
In order to keep Benton's world stable and as unchanged as possible we have continued his therapies and appointments at their normal clip.  This means I am now balancing 6 therapy appointments a week along with his specialist appointments all with a newborn in tow.  No easy feat, but it keeps him happy and entertained which is what is important.

Having fun in the ball pit at occupational therapy!
In addition, Benton's pulmonologist finally cleared us for playgroups and outside classes so we have begun taking Benton to music classes and story times at the local library.  We are hoping these events give him more social interaction as he has been very shy around other children lately.  With the advent of music classes, more trips to the local playground and story time over the last two months Benton has begun to open up socially.  He no longer runs away during music class or clings to me, he has started interacting with the other students and he is loving the playground.  We couldn't be prouder of his progress.
Fun in the Spring & Summer 
Aurelia has just hit two months old and she is at the top of the growth charts in every way.  She is 11.9 lbs and 23 inches tall at just two months!  It is surreal for us to see how big Aurelia has grown as it took Benton almost 9 months to reach this same weight and height!  Aurelia is also holding her head up most of the time, cooing and starting to smile.  We are so proud of her accomplishments as well :) 
More pictures of gorgeous Aurelia
Staying home with our kids these past few months has been an unbelievable blessing.  I am so enjoying watching Aurelia and Benton grow before my very eyes.  After the scary start to Benton's life, it is wonderful to enjoy some quiet moments with my second child - breastfeeding, cuddling and staring at her.  Much love to everyone who has been following this journey.

The most important men in my life <3 

Benton wearing outfits from Cameroon and Japan! Looking so cute :)
Smiling Happy Aurelia 
Our Happy Benton